Close Encounter With a Serial Killer

They say to never pick up hitchhikers and be weary about strangers who flag drivers down claiming they’re having car trouble. Well, Reddit user youngandlucky learned he and his wife would have become the next victims of an Australian serial killer if they had stopped to help a stranger out on the side of the road.
“Kinda creepy at the time, but scary afterwards. Long time ago driving from Bowral to Berrima in New South Wales (a State in Australia), my wife and I were flagged down by a guy asking to borrow a car jack because his van (which he said was his sisters, and yes it was white) had a flat and his jack didn’t work.
Guy was creepy and we just said nah mate and took off. A while later we saw the photo of the serial killer Ivan Milat (who had been caught by then). Pretty sure it was him and the van fitted.”