Screeching From Behind

Reddit user Le_Jacob considered themselves a great bicyclist, but even they had to admit that they were worried they wouldn’t be able to cycle fast enough to get away from the mysterious creature that was chasing after them at night.
“I work in a pub, it’s about 2 miles away in the next village. I usually finish work late (1-2am) and I have to cycle home. The only route is a small road that goes through somewhat large woods. There’s a 1 mile stretch that has absolutely no street lights, it’s pitch black.
As I was cycling through the woods I start hearing this screeching sound, similar to a small animal dying. It scared the [daylights] out of me, so I started pedalling fast. I continued to hear it, and it seemed as it was progressing towards me. I use my phone’s camera light to navigate, although it isn’t impossible to see without it.
I point my phone behind me and I swear I caught sight of some humanoid creature on all 4s running at me, call it mind games but this was pretty vivid. I continue to cycle as fast as I can (I’ve been cycling long distances from a young age, I’d like to say I’m quite fast), yet I continue to hear the screeching and the light patting of the footsteps of whatever is chasing me. I try to turn my phone light off, and after a few seconds I manage to do so. The patting becomes quieter, and I hear one last screech from whatever it was. I have never been so scared in all my life.”