Tour Through the Haunted School

Most people avoid school like the Black Plague. But Reddit user Litagoliter and his friend decided to break into their old school building, which had been abandoned, and take a look inside. The only problem was that although school was out, there was someone or something still lurking in the halls.
“This takes place in march-april of 2013. Me and a friend had just been to the movies and was just walking around, at ~10:45 PM. We decided we would take a shortcut through the schoolyard of our old school which had since been abandoned and was in pretty bad shape.
As we walked through the schoolyard we decided to try to get inside the school building and explore a little bit. Now, the school consists of two “wings”, so the building is an L shape if viewed from above. It is three stories tall and has three entrances. The main entrance leads in to a kind of main hall, which connects the two wings. Each wing has staircases in each end of the corridors, which lead to the different floors (this is important later).
One of the windows right by the entrance to the lower wing was actually wide open, so we could easily get in. We were now in the basement. We used our cellphones as flashlights, and made sure not to point them towards the windows to avoid being seen. Even though the building was not in use, there was still a lot of stuff left just laying around. Musical equipment, uniforms, a pool table, chairs, etc.
So we were just exploring each room in the basement to see if we could find anything cool. We explored the basement for about 15 minutes before we headed up to the first floor, and we were now in the main hall. There was some kind of tarp or large plastic sheet hanging there to separate the hall and the lower wing for some reason. I assume it was for some kind of construction work. We went down one of the corridors and started exploring the classrooms.
Every classroom had been either vandalised or suffered some kind of water damage, so everything was pretty broken down and rotting. In hindsight I think we were lucky the floors didn’t collapse on us or something. We had just come out of the third classroom and were in the corridor when we heard someone moving the tarp/plastic sheet in the main hall. This was not wind or anything, we could definitely tell someone was physically moving it. We could also hear footsteps, although the rhythm of the steps was kind of… weird. It sounded like someone changed their walking pace sporadically, if that makes any sense.
We immediately went inside a classroom to hide, as we thought someone had called security on us. We hid behind the door in the classroom for about 2 minutes, dead quiet. We didn’t hear anything else during this time, so we figured it had to be the wind or just random noises. We decided to keep going.
We went through the corridor and up the stairs in the other end from the main hall, and explored the second floor. While we were there we would occasionally hear some noises, but we just brushed it off as wind. After a while we had explored the rest of the corridor, and we decided to walk down the staircase that lead from the second floor to the hall. Halfway down the staircase there was this plateau before the second set of stairs, and this is where things took a turn (no pun intended). We could see the plastic from there, and it was moving. We also heard some kind of scratching noise. We stood there for a second just listening, and I decided to peek around the corner to see what was making that sound.
What I saw scared the living [daylights] out of me. It was some kind of.. creature. It was skinny, almost completely naked (couldn’t see any clothes at least), had really thin strands of hair, and was REALLY pale. Like corpse-pale, almost completely white. The first thing that came to mind was that this thing looked like Gollum, just bigger. It was crouching down and was scratching the floor or something, and it made some weird growly, groany, breathy noises. It was facing away from us, so I just stood frozen for a good while and watched it. I took a step back and just pointed at this.. thing and looked at my friend. He peeked around the corner and immediately I could see his facial expression change into a combination of horror and shock. It was reassuring in a way, knowing that he saw it too.
We just stood there for a good 20 seconds just watching this thing do whatever it was doing, and the most clichè horror movie thing happened. My friend started backing away slowly, and while doing so stepped on a piece of glass that cracked. This startled the “creature”, and it quickly looked over it’s shoulder right at me. I just bolted at that point. We ran all the way to the basement to get out, and the whole way there I swear it felt like it was right behind us.
We ran back to my friends house, and when we got there we had a kind of debriefing session, making sure we both saw the same thing. The closest thing to a reference picture I can find is this. It pretty much looked exactly like that, just with thin strands of hair on it’s head. I understand if you think I’m [kidding], I would be skeptical if someone else told this story. But I swear this actually happened, and my friend confirms it to this day. We got a good enough look at it to confirm that it was a humanoid creature of some sorts, but it didn’t really resemble a human being.
The only explanation I can think of is that it was a homeless dude that for some reason was naked in this abandoned school, but this is in northern Norway during winter; you wouldn’t survive very long without clothes. Also, I live in a very small town with very few if any homeless people, so that theory wouldn’t really make sense. It could also be some kind of animal that had found it’s way inside, but we got a GOOD look at it, and it didn’t resemble any animal I’ve seen before. I have no idea what that thing was. I am normally a rational/occam’s razor kind of person, but we saw what we saw and I have no explanation for it.”