Glasses Found

Reddit user thedailyaustin’s mom had some great news! It turns out that she had found her glasses after searching all day for them. The not so great news was that she thought he had found them and placed them on the bathroom counter. Then he broke the shocking news to her.
“Just after high school I was dating this girl. We were both at my mom’s house at the time, during summer break. She had lost her glasses that morning and couldn’t find them anywhere. She went to take a shower in one of the upstairs bathrooms and I went outside to wash my car.
I’m just about finished when she comes outside wearing her glasses and I ask her where she finally found them. She looks at me a little weird and tells me that I gave them to her. I’m confused because I’ve been outside the entire time. She then tells me I opened the bathroom door and set them on the counter while she was showering and then left. Now, we were the only ones home at the time so this disturbs me a little bit. I swear up and down that it wasn’t me so she starts to freak out. I grab a baseball bat from the garage and we go into the house thinking someone is in there that shouldn’t be.
We creep around the house looking in all the good hiding spots, until finally making it upstairs to my brothers bedrooms. I start move from my brothers bedroom into his bathroom where the door opens inward. Between the crack of the door I see someone hiding between the door and the wall. Right then, I finally sorta understood why people in the movies freeze when something is about to fall on them or hurt them, because I was terrified.
It lasted maybe a second, but it felt like minutes, and then I bashed the [stuff] out of this door with the person hiding behind it, but they didn’t cry out. Then I realized it was my brothers bathrobe hanging on the back of the door. My girlfriend swore the entire time I knew her that someone put those glasses on the bathroom counter but I never found anyone in the house.”