Honoring the Not-So-Dead Waitress

Reddit user Midonyah had waited on a lot of customers over the years, but there was one creepy guy who took a photo of her and framed it. But even though she no longer works at the restaurant, her friend, who still does, left it hanging there and told the restaurant’s new manager that the girl in the photo was dead.
“I used to work tables in a restaurant. One day, this guy I’ve never interacted with before comes to me and hands me a framed picture, smiling nervously. I look at it, and it’s a picture of me, at the staff table. I was done eating, and staring at nothing, probably thinking about… Something deep and clever. (yeah, unlikely though) I look at the guy, he explains timidly that he found me so pretty that he took my picture, and framed it so I would see how pretty I was and hold onto it forever. Sweet gesture, but kinda creepy.
Five seconds later, the manager walks by, hears the story, bursts out laughing and decides this is perfect, just perfect, and hangs up the frame in the back. On the wall, next to the work schedules, in a place where EVERYONE that works here looks at practically everyday. He thought it was hilarious. Everybody had a laugh, then we…. kinda forgot about it. The picture became a part of the wall. It’s been 8 years since I’ve worked there. The staff changed, the managers changed, over the years everybody I knew changed jobs and everything. But my best-work-friend still remains. You know, the ONE person that could probably do another job better for her, but stays in this place by pure force of habit? The one person that will always be there and still work there, 20 years after you’ve moved on?
She decided to keep the picture. She told the new managers that the “girl on the wall” was a waitress that worked here and died in an accident and that the whole staff decided to frame her picture and honour her or whatever to keep her memory alive because she loved this place so much… you get the kinda stuff. …. Yep. 8 years later, when I occasionally visit the restaurant to say hello to my friend, I have a quick glance above the schedules. The picture’s still there.”