Children of the Night

Reddit user Goat_machine’s neighbors were babysitting and the kids were doing a slumber party. He just didn’t realize that they were going to be doing it outside his yard until he looked out the window and saw a bunch of creepy kids staring up at the sky.
“My next door neighbours are kind of old, and since they’re retired, run a sort of mega babysitting company thing to keep busy. A bunch of people in the neighborhood drop their kids at the NDNs. These people don’t have much control over these children. And we don’t have a fence separating our backyards. So one night, these people are holding a slumber party of sorts. Right next door. I can’t sleep because of the screaming [kids] next door, so I get up and go to the bathroom. I look out the bathroom window… and a crap ton of little kids are standing in my backyard, very still, staring at the stars or some [stuff] like that. I probably should have connected the dots from there, but in the moment, I was freaking out. The next day, I found little handprints on most of my downstairs windows.”