It Was Pure Evil

One of the scariest experiences anyone can have is waking up and finding that someone is in your home. But Reddit user Cykosurge was even more terrified because they were experiencing sleep paralysis and couldn’t move, scream, fight or run away when pure evil surprised them from behind.
“Our old house was at the corner, pretty secluded and near a main road.
One night I woke up to hear my mom yelling, I was sleeping on the futon and this guy wearing all black just strode over me running. The burglar ran off before he got anything. I was more surprised to be woken up that early rather than the fact a burglar just broke into the house. Wasn’t the first time the house got broken into, certainly not the last. We weren’t rich by any stretch mind you, pretty much lower middle class.
Other than that, I woken up to sleep paralysis, and at the time was pretty convinced whatever that was behind me—as I was lying on my side—it was evil. I could just move my eyeballs and all of my instincts told me not to look at it. All I felt was pure fear.”