Do I look Like Jonathan Taylor Thomas?

While waiting for her boyfriend, Reddit user GiggleButts was approached by a guy who wanted validation that he looked like 90s actor Jonathan Taylor Thomas. But even though she thought he looked like Lutz from “30 Rock,” she humored him and told him that he did. Unfortunately, that didn’t satisfy him and it was starting to creep her out.
“In college, I went to Champaign, IL and saw Big Gigantic. Afterward, boyfriend and I stopped to get gas and I was thirsty as [heck] for non-venue priced beverages, so I went into the little shop while he filled up the car. It was ~1am so the shop was deserted except me and the cashier, whom I greeted casually and walked to the back giant wall of refreshments.
I’m staring and pondering for a while before I realize the guy has made his way over and is staring intently from a few feet away. “Do I look like Jonathan Taylor Thomas?” He asks. “Uh…what?” I answer, not entirely sharp after a concert and wondering if I missed something. “Jonathan Taylor Thomas. A lot of people say I look like him.” I should pause the story here to tell you that this 20 or 30something gentleman bore zero resemblance to the pre-teen hunk of the nineties. This guy was pale, dark hair, kind of mushy-faced with no distinctive qualities. I’d compare him to maybe a younger Lutz from 30 Rock.
Anyway. I’m staring at him and getting nervous and not sure what to say. “I guess?” I stammer, hoping this will end the line of questioning. “Oh! In what way?” “What?” I grab a Sprite bc I am now getting a little freaked out and do not have the luxury of deliberating any longer. This guy has not cracked a smile and something just seems very, very off. We walk to the register and he continues. “In what ways do I look like Jonathan Taylor Thomas, specifically?” “I…uh…” He’s ringing me up and I’m looking through my bag for my wallet trying to think of a competent answer. “In the nose? I guess?” He seems relieved. That’s when my boyfriend appears at the glass door entrance a few feet away. He tries to open it. It’s been locked. All the blood drains out of my face and I start feeling very, very sick. He seems surprised by my boyfriend’s presence and looks at me, realizing whatever he had in mind for me is no longer in the cards. Without a word he unlocks the door and I gtfo. Boyfriend is confused and I sit in the car and breathe and drink my Sprite and tell him what happened and we both shiver the rest of the way home. And that’s the end of the Jonathan Taylor Thomas story.”