The Stranger on the Couch

It’s totally normal for a houseguest to run into someone that they’ve never met before, especially when they’re doing a sleepover at a friend’s house. But Reddit user allycatcal was unprepared to learn that the woman they had met wasn’t a member of the family, but a total stranger, possibly an intruder.
“When I was about 10 I was having a sleepover at my friend Amy’s house. I was sleeping on the mattress on the floor and it was positioned as if you sat up you looked directly down the hall into the living room. Amy’s mum’s bedroom was to the left, the bathroom was on the right. I still remember this very clearly. Amy was a bit of a scaredy cat; everything scared her. I remember the dogs barking next door woke us up; she was scared and tried to get into bed with me. I was like it’s just dogs go back to bed. She was scared and went to sleep with her mum. It’s summertime so it’s light pretty early. I wake up and I see Amy aunty was sitting on the couch, staring at me!! Amy’s aunty was in air force and would visit when on leave. I remember thinking why is she staring at me … she looked away and I was looking at her. It was 5:15 A.M. Anyway I went back to sleep, woke at more a reasonable hour and asked where aunty Sandra was. Amy’s mum looked at me, and said, ‘Huh Sandra? Sandra’s not here she’s in X City.’ I have no idea who was sat on the couch but almost 30 years later I swear it was not a dream and some lady was there.”