Malevolent Static Noise

When people hear static noise on the radio or see it on the TV, they simply adjust the dial or flip the channel on their remote contol. But there are some who tune into what seems like an otherworldly frequency. Well that’s exactly what Reddit user deepmedimuzik experienced, only his encounter with static noise was malevolent and scary.
“When I was a young kid my room was in the spacious downstairs rumpus area. Whilst I felt ‘independent’ in the sense that I had free roam of the area, I always felt slightly uneasy being so far from the rest of my family at night. I to this day remember a recurring nightmare I experienced in that room.
My father had given me his hi-fi player and would put a CD on to help lull me to sleep and provide a sense of comfort before I drifted off. This was a nightly routine and I would play all sorts of music, from Pink Floyd to The Stranglers. One night I woke to the music off, but the amplifier lights still bright and often flickering. In my dreamlike state I stumbled out of bed to try and turn the CD player off, only to be overwhelmed with a feeling of static. Almost like the CD player was transmitting its frequency throughout my own body, using it as an antenna.
This feeling I can only describe was like the most intense, yet painless pins and needles, and culminated in every hair standing on end. As the sensation subsided, I felt almost paralyzed. I was able to move, but it took every ounce of strength to pull myself back up into the bed. Once under the covers, the static noise seemed to materialize in front of me. Not in the visual sense but more in a dark emotive way. It was a shadowy yet malevolent feeling but still unwelcoming. I distinctly remember my flight or fight instincts kicking in, and the most logical conclusion I arrived at was to play dead. My thought process was something along the lines of “This presence can’t affect me if I don’t respond to it”. So I remained perfectly still, careful to not even take a breath out of sync. Eventually I fell back to sleep, but would have the exact same dream almost every night. The funny thing is I never felt scared or threatened by this presence, more confused. It was like a higher being that had complete auditory and physical control over me.”