The Ghost Touched My Face

A Reddit user expe3er5c4x3eriencing was experiencing all the signs of her apartment being haunted. Her TV turned on and off and things went missing all the time. But what really sent a wave of terror across her body was the ghostly touch she felt on her cheek.
“All of this happened when I was 12-16 years old. I am now 25, and haven’t felt a ‘spirit’ ever since I’ve felt better. Before I start, I would like to point out that English is not my first language, so I apologize for possible mistakes. Please feel free to ask if there’s anything that is not clear. My mom and I used to live in a three-story apartment. The upper floor was basically my own, with my room, a bathroom and a tiny hallway. I think it all started with my mom asking me where I put certain things.
She couldn’t find documents that had been in the living room before. Or small things such as pens. Naturally, she blamed me, but when things that belonged to me went missing, she no longer believed that I hid them. Apart from this, the television turned itself off and on a couple of times.
However, none of this makes you think “Woah, this apartment is haunted.”, so we weren’t too worried. Around one year later, when I was 13, my depression got a bit worse, and things in our apartment got weirder. I was asleep but woke up abruptly, only to start crying (aah the joys of puberty and lovesickness). I suddenly felt someone petting my cheek, the way you do it when babies are crying. I immediately felt comforted and fell back asleep.
I remember when I had one of my friends over. We stood in my floor’s hallway and heard somebody running the stairs up and down really loudly. My friend got pale and was genuinely shocked, as was I. A couple of days later, I was home alone and spent some time in my room, with the door opened. I heard someone unlocking our apartment’s door, opening and closing it. I then heard someone walking up the stairs, and called out for my mom as I assumed she got home early. But there was nobody there. To this day I am absolutely sure that I even heard the key in the lock.
I felt as if I was being watched quite often. Actually it was so ‘normal’ that I got used to it. My mom also said that she saw things moving in the corner of her eyes, and that she felt as if somebody was with her sometimes, even when she was alone. Those occurrences happened now and then, but luckily it didn’t scare us too often. We kinda got used to it, and the ‘ghost’ or whatever it was didn’t do us any harm.
Then, at age 14 or 15, my depressions got so bad that I started cutting and tried to commit suicide twice. During this time, my mom told me she saw white fog walking up to my floor. I was a bit scared, but what was I supposed to do about it?! Then an incident happened which really convinced me that our apartment was haunted. I was in bed and tried to sleep but couldn’t as I wasn’t tired at all. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I heard a heavy breathing coming from my couch (which was right across from my bed). Maybe some of you saw ‘The Others’. There’s a scene at the end where you can hear the old lady breathing. It sounded like this but more ‘evil’. At first I thought that I was imagining it, but I was so shocked and frightened that I couldn’t fall asleep, and stayed awake for another couple of hours.
The breathing never stopped during that time. When I finally had the guts to stand up and just get out of my room, when I passed the couch, the breathing got quieter, but got VERY loud once I was in the hallway. Luckily, my mom believed me and let me sleep in her room. She checked my room, but there was nobody there. Still, she also heard that breathing. I heard it again a couple of times, during the day and at night. Aside from that, I saw flashes of light every day, no matter the time and weather. I read that seeing flashes of light can be a sign for migraine, but gladly I never had a ‘serious’ headache. Besides, I didn’t see those flashes right before my eyes, but outside my windows. To this day, I’m convinced that the apartment was haunted and as weird as it may sound; I believe that my depressions basically ‘summoned’ something. However, I still can’t explain the flashes. So if anyone has an explanation or a similar experience, please feel free to comment.”