The Stranger in the Bushes

One of the hardest lessons Reddit user Arararararagi_kun learned in their young life was that some evils don’t come from the supernatural realm, but real-life flesh and blood humans. And in this case, the threat came from someone in her family and a mysterious stranger lurking in the bushes.
“Around when I was five or six, my mom, aunts, cousin and me when down to Jamaica to go to the funeral of my great grandmother. After the funeral and everything, me and my cousin were playing around with dominoes while everyone was asleep except for my grandfather who was on the veranda.
Fast forward an hour or two later this guy come up to the house asking to see my mom and my aunt, it was a cousin they had knew growing up, so my grandfather kept asking what to do want with them just to notice that my mom cousin was drunk. So they just kept arguing with my mom and my aunt eventually coming going on the veranda so see what was going on. So their cousin asks will they come out to talk to him, which they wouldn’t because it was like 4:00 in the morning or so. At some point during this I wake up and ask what is going on but they tell me not to worry.
While this whole exchange is going on, my grandfather notices a car driving up and down the street and notices that someone was in the bushes so he starts to figure out something was off so he grabs his machete at this point the cousin and the guy in the bushes leaves in the car that was driving up and down the street. Next morning they learned that their cousin was there to [abuse] them and kill everyone when they were done. Overall the experience was pretty traumatizing as a five or six year old then.”