Taunted by a Drunk Elephant

Elephants are generally peaceful and tend to leave humans alone unless they are provoked. But during a safari, Reddit user rowingpostal had an encounter with a bull elephant who refused to move out of the way and kept false charging towards their guide’s truck.
“Only scary because I was there. In one day I had two close calls with elephants. First while on safari our guide stopped in a clearing. As I was getting out he freaked out and told us to get back in the car. As we do an elephant bursts into view trumpeting and charging. The truck fails to turn over once. Twice. Third time was not the charm. And finally on the 4th attempt it turns over and we tear out of there. Turns out we had parked between mama and her calf.
We spend the rest of the day laughing about it because what else can you do, until on the path to our camp we come across a drunk bull elephant (there is a tree that has a really sugary fruit. Elephants have learned to knock the fruit down and let it ferment for who knows how long so they can come back eat it and get blasted) Anyway we then spend about three hours getting false charged by a bull elephant and we couldn’t move. Because if we moved he would have known we were not a strange green rock but something smashable. And we couldn’t just hit the gas because the truck wasn’t very fast in reverse. It was a long day for everyone. I especially felt bad for our guide because that safari was his first one back on the job. He had been out for two years because he had been charged by and elephant and caught a tusk in his side. shudders”