The Man With the Camera

Child predators are the kind of thing everyone hears about on the news but they never expect to encounter one themselves. That’s what Reddit user heylookitsatyler thought, and then he encountered a man filming him with a handheld camera, and he and his friends starting running for their lives.
“I was outside playing with friends one afternoon …we were around 9 or 10. We lived in a quiet area. As we were playing, we noticed a man in a truck drive by over and over again. Each time he passed my friends’ yard, he would drive slowly. We then realized that this man was recording us with one of those old handheld recorders. It freaked us out. We ran inside their house and called his mom. She told them they needed to stay inside and that I should go home. I tried explaining that my mom wasn’t home at the moment. But she still made me leave. I lived about a mile or two down the road. I’ve never run so fast in my life. I was terrified that man was going to find me as I was running back home. When my mom found out what happened…she was super [mad] my friend’s mom hadn’t allowed me to stay at their house until she could come pick me up.”