The Ghostly Giggle

Reddit user Faux_F0X was convinced that one of his sisters was running up and down the stairs at his aunt and uncle’s house where his family was staying at. He even heard her giggling in the background. But when he spoke with his mom on the phone, he discovered his sister wasn’t in the house.
“Went to my aunt and uncle’s house one family vacation about 10 years ago. We drove from South Texas to some small town in Missouri, can’t remember the name, we arrived there at 1:00 A.M. Family consisted of myself, 2 younger sisters, mother, father. Most of the family was hungry from the long drive and wanted to see if a McDonald’s was open. I was tired from the long car ride and wanted to stay at the house. Mom said one of my sisters would be staying as well. I settle down into the living room watching TV, slightly dozing off. I can remember hearing pitter-patter down the hallway and assumed my sister was just running around, she’d be eating sugary snacks the whole way up. I get a call from my mom asking what I wanted to eat and in the background can hear both my sisters arguing. I hear a giggle somewhat behind me stand straight up and look around, nothing. I ask my mom if my sister ended up going with them, which she confirmed. I stood in the corner of the room till everyone got back.”