The Stranger Looking In

Reddit user -obliviouscommenter- decided to park his car on the side of the road to rest for a bit. He figured it was cheaper than renting a hotel and safer than continuing to drive and risk falling asleep. Then he wished he had kept on driving when he saw someone gawking at him through the car window as he tried to sleep.
“I was living in my car for a few months. I would just drive out of town and park off the side of the road on logging roads or whatever to sleep. Found this one place to park which was nice because it wasn’t too far away but also far enough that no one else would be there at night. First night I was there I had a waking dream that someone was outside my car looking in. Freaked me out but whatever. Parked other places for a few nights. Went back there for a few nights and had similar freaky nightmares both nights. Someone outside the car, trying to get in, etc. Basically said [eff] this place and avoided it for a while. Was tired one afternoon and decided to go back to have a nap. Laid there for about ten minutes before hearing a noise and suddenly there’s this homeless dude walking his bicycle down out of the bush right past my car. I recognized him as someone who runs around picking bottles out of trashcans. Creepy as heck, guess he lived in a camp in the bush right there.”