Patience Please

My husband and I started riding motorcycles. He got his first and took the safety course. Then, I got mine and before I took the course, he walked me step by step through it. One of the things I needed to know was a “quick stop,” which is where you downshift, brake, and stop fully within a short distance, without tipping the bike.
I got very annoyed with how many times he made me do it. Flash forward a month to me riding solo at dusk in the Minnesota countryside. Five deer suddenly ran onto the road, directly in front of my bike.
To my relief, habit kicked in, and I quickly stopped with about six inches to spare, not hitting a single deer. I sat on the shoulder for about 10 minutes, regulating my breathing. I thanked my husband when I got home and apologized for being rude about practicing.
Story credit: Reddit / Lafondancer