People Share The Things They Did “Just to Be Safe” That Ended Up Saving Their Lives

A Second and Third Opinion


My daughter was six months old. She had a raspy sound whenever she would breathe. The doctor said she had a floppy trachea and that she would grow out of it. I took her to another doctor to confirm. He said the same thing. My dad came over one day and heard her breathing. “Something is wrong. You need to take her to another doctor,” he urged.

I’d already taken her to two different doctors at that point, but my dad said, “Do something.” So we did: turns out, she had a birth defect. Her aorta formed around her trachea and was slowly suffocating her. The hospital wouldn’t even let us take her in for a fourth opinion. She had to have surgery right away.

Story credit: Reddit / gurrauthor

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