People Share The Things They Did “Just to Be Safe” That Ended Up Saving Their Lives

If You Have the Chance, Do It


In October, my work offered me Aflac because I had been there a year. I initially said I’d think about it, not really thinking I would need it. Fast forward one month and the agent returned. I declined at first, but right before he started packing up, I decided to go ahead and sign up. My package kicked in on the first of December.

I ended up severing a tendon in my hand not long after that and was unable to work for two weeks. I just turned 22 years old and I never thought I could get injured bad enough that I couldn’t work. So, here’s a life lesson: IF YOU HAVE THE CHANCE, SIGN UP FOR SOME SORT OF BUFFER IN CASE YOU GET HURT. DO IT.

Story credit: Reddit / amartin_omega

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