Pack it All Up

I was in the army. A friend and I were training on some equipment and one of the things we had to do before leaving was pack up it all up. Although we were supposed to wear our helmets during this entire process, we chose not to until we got to the last piece of equipment.
This truck had fold-down side panels that formed a walkway all the way around it. The four panels per side weighed about 200 lbs. We got all four pushed up and my buddy climbed up to put in the retaining pin in while I held them in place. I swear I saw him put the pin in so I let go and turned to do something else.
The 200 pounds of steel hit me on the top of my helmet. I found myself lying on the ground wondering what happened. I had some muscle strains in my neck but no serious damage. I’d likely not be here today if I hadn’t put that helmet on.
Story credit: Reddit / Carpedeviant