People Share The Worst Cases of Entitlement They’ve Ever Seen

10. Too Much Effort

Pexels, Oliver Rivas

I work at a high-end buffet here in Vegas. You get sat and are told to wait, I come up and greet you, explain our offerings, go over the drink menu, take a drink order, and then inform you to help yourself while I get the drinks. 

As I stepped away one time I heard a kid about 8 or so say, “So I have to get my own food?” Mom said yes. The kid said, “I told you we should have brought Michael with us.” Mom said, “NO, I told you before, we’re not bringing our butler on vacation.

I was 5 feet away and this was clear as day. That kid was 100% not joking one bit. He really wanted his family butler to be on vacation so he wouldn’t have to walk to a buffet and get his own food. 

I’m not insulting the little dude for having a baller lifestyle, but holy moly that was a hell of a conversation to hear.


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