People Share The Worst Cases of Entitlement They’ve Ever Seen

25. Sociopathic Airs

Pexels, Timur Weber

I was with a large group out drinking many years ago. A friend-of-a-friend who was from a wealthy family (I was told) had been a bit of a loudmouth but generally funny and somewhat charming. 

On the way to get cabs home, we came across a panhandler — more of the rougher, older version. He asked for change so the guy in my party said he would match however much money the panhandler had on him. 

The poor guy dug through his pockets and various jackets etc and produced x dollars to count. The dude I was with then hit the guy’s hand causing the change and bills to fly everywhere. 

This was supposed to be funny. He had obviously done this before. A couple of us helped the panhandler pick it up and gave him some cash. Seems like pure sociopathic behavior.


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