People Share The Worst Cases of Entitlement They’ve Ever Seen

2. Listening Is For Fools

Pexels, Karolina Grabowska

There was this girl that started working at the store I worked at and one night we were scheduled to work together in the same area. People who work in an area together usually talk while performing the menial tasks so I figured I would get to know her. 

She explained she was a former model and she seemed super prissy. Not to insult her character but it explains why she said what she did. Imagine a typical conversation where you’re trading stories and comparing but every time I would talk she would say, verbatim:

“Yeahhhhh, but I don’t really care about that” and “I don’t really want to hear about that” with no proposed alternatives to conversation or anything. It screamed, “I’ll talk, you’ll listen, and nothing else”


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