People Share The Worst Cases of Entitlement They’ve Ever Seen

36. Don’t Expect Me To Do The Effort

Pexels, Skitterphoto

Used to work at a call center doing tech support for an expensive electronics brand. I had a 19-year-old girl tell me she had cracked her fifth(!!!) phone and needed a new one ASAP. 

I explained that she would need to either mail it in to us or take it to the nearest store so we could replace it. She literally said “Oh my god you expect me to go to the damned STORE?? JUST GET MY PHONE FIXED!” 

Then I explained that if she didn’t want to go to the store she could mail it and that if she went with the most expensive shipping options we could get her her new phone in three days. She thought I was joking.

The call lasted for another 20 minutes because I think she actually did not understand that there was no way for her to get exactly what she wanted immediately. I quit the next week.


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