People Share The Worst Cases of Entitlement They’ve Ever Seen

43. How Could You?

Pexels, cottonbro studio

I was getting tutored at school and this guy apparently was interested in me. After my tutoring session, he was asking if I had plans and I thought he was just making small talk, so I just said that I was working and spending time with my boyfriend, nothing special. 

He scoffed, gave me an attitude, and he said that he was tired of girls like me. Tired of helping girls like me and getting nothing in return. I asked him to clarify what he meant in return.

He told me that if he was going to tutor an attractive girl then that girl should reciprocate by going out with him, etc. When I was challenging that he got more and more irate and started spewing some awful sexist stuff. I noped out of there so fast.


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