People Share The Worst Cases of Entitlement They’ve Ever Seen

45. You’re My Slave

Pexels, Jessica Lewis

I’ve probably seen worse cases, but this happened yesterday so it’s definitely fresh in my mind.

I work at a car dealership and I was writing down some information while a customer was on the phone with their insurance. They were back and forth on hold, talking to different people, trying to figure out why their rate would go up so much.

 I’m there trying to finalize a few things. I guess she had to write something down that she was talking about.

She takes the pen I’m using to write out of my hand, takes the notepad, rips the page I was writing on off and throws it down next to her, then begins writing talking into the phone like “yeah, uh huh, mhm, right, right”.

I’m sitting there with my jaw literally on the floor. Normally I wouldn’t say anything but I made a little mention like “Oh, if you needed a pen I’d be more than happy to hand you one”. 

She looks up and says “You are MY salesman, you are here to work for ME. You can do what you want to do when I’m done here.” Politely asked her to leave, and told her to have a great day.


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