People Share The Worst Cases of Entitlement They’ve Ever Seen

53. Only $250?!

Pexels, Castorly Stock

My freshman roommate in college chucked a massive fit because, after buying her a ton of presents, buying all her friends dinner, and going on an additional shopping spree, her mom wouldn’t buy her a $450 purse. 

Her mother had agreed to purchase her one in the range of $250, but argued that she had flown in for her daughter’s birthday and was renting a hotel room on top of all the things she had already purchased for her and she had coupons or some such for a purse in that price range.

My roommate’s response was to finally storm off in the store, and then tell me and the rest of the friends she was with that her mother “always does this!” and that she couldn’t find any purse that cheap that she wanted. 

Went on a rant about how her mother was probably buying all the good stuff for herself. This was fairly early in the school year, and my roommate and I ended up having a lot of problems.


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