People Share The Worst Cases of Entitlement They’ve Ever Seen

5. Entitled, Rich Ex

Pexels, cottonbro studio

One of my exes thought she was a pinnacle poli-punk warrior despite living in a literal mansion, her dad being an executive at a security and aerospace company, and receiving a nice supplemental income from daddy while she lived “out of the system”.

She refused to acknowledge her extreme privilege and would shame others for doing the stuff poor people do like eating at McDonald’s.

And say incredibly dumb stuff like “you have to eat organic to be vegetarian” at a time (90s) when organic was not widespread and at least triple the cost of conventional

Growing up poor, I constantly tried to show her why she should chill the hell out and have empathy for others but she never got it.

Over the years, and with the gift of emotional maturity, I realized this was not just her being intolerable but an expression of untreated mental illness that she still does not treat.


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