People Share The Worst Cases of Entitlement They’ve Ever Seen

61. Cutting Them Off

Pexels, Elle Hughes

My sisters:

Sis 1 tried to steal my driver’s license because she looked like me and wanted to drink underage. 

She got caught, and I took the ID back, she was pissed, & insisted she only took it because I was being so “weird” about keeping my ID when it’s “normal” for older sibs to give the younger ones their IDs for drinking.

One month later, Sis 1 made a noise about my ID again. I tell our mother I won’t give Sis my ID even if she threatens to end herself. Sis 1 sobs audibly on the kitchen table (one room away from me) for 30 minutes, because I’m being mean.

Sis 2 is still furious I moved back home after developing anxiety issues because she thought she was going to get two years as an only child and my poor mental health ruined that for her.

Sis 2 blamed me for being abused by my 5th-grade teacher, & told me I was bullied because I “wasn’t normal and people didn’t like me.” Was noticeably angry a week later when our mother made her ask me for permission to use my laptop for a school thing. 

Because apparently, Mom should have just made me hand over my computer to a person who insulted me in the worst way possible.

Sis 1 and I needed to work out a shower schedule. Sis shot me down every time I proposed for myself. 

I got frustrated and snapped “So you want me, the person with a full-time job who has to be up by a certain time, to wait until you’ve showered so I don’t conflict with your social life?!?” She actually yelled, “YES, IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?

Needless to say, once I finally get out of this house, contact with my sisters will be limited.


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