People Share The Worst Cases of Entitlement They’ve Ever Seen

63. You Can’t Tell Me What To Do

Pexels, Brian Banford

A little late to the party, but I have a mild entitlement story. In 2001, I went to Italy, we spent one of the days in Florence and of course, we went to The Accademia Gallery. 

They have signs posted and the tour guide stressed several times that NO pictures could be taken of David. While I was waiting for the rest of my group to finish, I stepped outside to smoke. 

A big black van pulled up in front of the museum and Arnold Schwarzenegger got out and went in. I quickly stubbed out the cig and followed him back inside, the first thing he did was go straight to The Statue of David and started taking pictures. 

Of course, no one said anything to him. I actually snapped a picture of him taking a picture(no signs were posted about not taking pics of entitled governors). Btw, he’s short.


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