People Share Their “Accidently Caught My Partner” Cheating Horror Stories

17. Two Guys

Pexels, Tahir Osman

I had my suspicions for a couple of months, but no evidence or anything. My ex lived about 40 miles from me, and we were 18. Dated and went to high school together for 3 years. She would come down to the city on weekends to spend time with me. 

I knew she had another group of friends in her town, and a few were guys, which didn’t bother me. But I woke up in the middle of the night and messaged her on Facebook, only to notice she had been tagged in a photo with one of her friends. 

He was holding her up and kissing her. It was his new profile picture. I messaged the guy and calmly asked what was going on. He immediately responded and was confused. 

We decided to meet up for coffee the next morning when my ex was over. And the look on her face was priceless when she saw him walk in and sit beside me. She begged for our forgiveness and claimed she loved us both. 

Turned out it had been going on for 7 months. And that every time she left my place during the weekends, she was returning home to him for the week. Me and the other guy are now best friends and share a house with my fiancee and his girlfriend. 


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