People Share Their “Accidently Caught My Partner” Cheating Horror Stories

20. Wrong Person

Pexels, Ketut Subiyanto

I met this girl who was working the late shift at a drugstore. We’d flirted a few times, eventually exchanged numbers, and started sleeping together. After a few weeks, she invited me to go drinking at this crappy little bar she liked on the north side of the city. 

So we spent the night dancing together, drinking, and talking to people she knew. Eventually, a guy comes up to me.

Guy: Great to meet you finally! Congratulations on the engagement!

Me: [laughing as I choked on my drink a bit] What are you talking about?

Guy: [quizzical look] You’re here with Corrie. It’s Paul, right!?

I raised an eyebrow and pointed a thumb to my chest.

Me: Nah man, name’s Kyle

We stared at each other, watching each other realize what was playing out on this faithful night.

The woman was engaged to a guy named Paul, and I was the other guy. Paul worked out of town for weeks at a time. It was actually interesting how you literally could see the word travel around the small bar, drastically changing the vibe in the room. We left shortly after.

She brought me, the guy she was cheating on her fiance with, to her favorite bar. She brought me to a place full of friends who at least knew her well enough to know she was engaged to a guy named Paul, not Kyle.

Messed up stuff. Didn’t see her again after that.

According to Facebook, they are currently married.


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