People Share Their “Accidently Caught My Partner” Cheating Horror Stories

23. Ready To Fail

Pexels, Alex Green

Things had been a little shaky as I was working a lot and felt stressed when she wanted to go be social with friends, so I often stayed home.

I wanted to do something nice for her for Valentine’s Day, so I sent her friend a text asking if there was something that she may have mentioned she would like to do. 

As I was waiting for that text, I was in another room. I saw her phone buzz with her friend’s name. The number was below the name, and since I had just sent her a text, I knew they didn’t match.

There are very few times my blood has been that cold, and feelings of dread.

I called the number with my phone, and it rang and rang before going to voicemail. Needless to say, it was the other guy.

I confronted her about it, and she said she was waiting to leave and had a bag packed in case I found out. She had no intentions of trying to work things out, so a month later, she moved out.

I made a decision then that I could be broken up and miserable or that I could choose to be happy and be open to a relationship if it was available. I’ve since remarried and have two beautiful boys with my amazing wife.

Regardless of the crappiness and horror in these stories, there is always the opportunity to be happy. If you’re reading this thread because it happened to you or just from morbid curiosity, choose to be happy. Be the person that you can be proud of and move on to better things.


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