People Share Their “Accidently Caught My Partner” Cheating Horror Stories

2. Anniversary Surprise

Pexels, Finn Whelen

Not me, but a medical resident that  I met on rotation recently. One of the nicest guys I ever met, super intelligent and hardworking, and training to be a trauma surgeon as humble as they come. He had been married for 2 years to his wife. 

One night, he gets off a 30-hour call early and heads home to surprise his wife with flowers and her favorite dessert (the anniversary of the day they first met). 

Only to find her in bed with a random dude.

He was so exhausted and confused that he didn’t know what to do and just left and went back to the hospital. I saw him at 5 AM, sitting in the parking lot, hunched over, crying. He didn’t even have his phone, and he was just sitting there. Man, nothing breaks your heart more than seeing a grown man cry. 

It’s not something you see often. We called his dad up, and he came and picked him up. The guy ended up taking a leave from his residency. Turns out, it wasn’t the wife’s first time sleeping around. Hope he gets back on his feet. He will make an amazing physician.


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