People Share Their “Accidently Caught My Partner” Cheating Horror Stories

41. Gut Feeling

Pexels, Ivan Samkov

I’ve posted about this before, but he changed his phone password. I left it for months until something just wasn’t sitting right in my gut. I unlocked his phone with my thumb, and I didn’t even have to look – there was a messaging app open with a girl he was meeting the next day.

I sent him to work without confronting him. I reset passwords through a long chain of emails to finally access the one associated with the messaging app.

Lo and behold, he was sending approximately ten thousand emails per year for the last four years of our relationship. He was living a whole second life and hiding it from everyone. 

Our relationship had never APPEARED stronger, and we had been seeing a therapist to work on strengthing our communication for eight months, once a week (clearly, he was hiding his issues from the therapist as well.)

At the time, I felt like it ruined my life. I remember thinking very clearly, “What did I do to deserve this?” When I thought that, something inside of me just snapped. I calmly went and bought a giant coffee and cardboard boxes. 

I packed all his things up before he was home from work and changed our locks. 

The end.


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