People Share Their “Accidently Caught My Partner” Cheating Horror Stories

43. Business Trip

Pexels, cottonbro studio

We lived in one city. Not living together. A mutual friend posted on Facebook how happy she was to see “Him and *other woman* in *other city* over the weekend.

I messaged her and asked if she could confirm my suspicions. She said she didn’t realize he and I were still together and apologized for the post. I thanked her. She told me that he and this other woman have been together for three years now. I was dating him for one.

I texted him and asked what was up. He said it was a business trip. I called him out. He asked if we could meet up when he’s back in the city because “he doesn’t want to defend himself over the phone.” 

I told him to either talk to me over the phone or he’s never seeing or hearing from me again.

It’s been almost a year.


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