People Share Their “Accidently Caught My Partner” Cheating Horror Stories

51. A Liar And A Cheater

Pexels, August de Richelieu

This happened to me with my first long-term girlfriend. But rather than a friend of hers telling me, it was straight up the guy she slept with.

He messaged me the day after a party she held at her house while I was out of town. He said he regretted it, and it was in the moment. I knew that guy had a thing for her. He was nice about it and very apologetic, but I was obviously angry. 

But when confronted about it, she denied it 100%.

A good friend of mine and even her friend all texted me, telling her what she did. I am to this day grateful for their honesty, even if it was their friend they were betraying.

Fudge cheaters


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