People Share Their “Accidently Caught My Partner” Cheating Horror Stories

54. Needing For Comfort

Pexels, Oladimeji Ajegbile

Things were rough between my long-distance girlfriend, and me. But I wanted the relationship to work so badly. Money was tight, so my parents supported me by partially paying for a ticket to fly over to where my ex lived.

A few weeks before I was flying to visit my girlfriend, my best friend passed away, and I was completely devasted. I reached out to my ex to seek some emotional support, but she was being particularly difficult to reach out to. I called her maybe 5 times an hour out of desperation. Finally, I got a response with a text that read, “This is her boyfriend. Will you please stop texting her? “.

Eventually, I got an actual text and a call from my ex, denying everything. I couldn’t confirm, at the time, whether or not my ex was actually cheating on me. But I eventually found out from her friends that she was indeed cheating on me.

This was a few years ago. I’m doing pretty good right now, and I’m in a very happy relationship. But man, does it sting just remembering all I went through that day.


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