People Share Their “Accidently Caught My Partner” Cheating Horror Stories

56. Breaking Trust

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On 2017 st Patrick’s Day, when my wife said she wanted to go to a party with friends from work, a couple that we know, I told her that I had finals on Monday (full-time dual bachelor and full-time work), so I’m going to pass she still wanted to go I gave her money and said have fun.

That night, she stopped responding to texts about 1ish (mind u, I don’t really text often to check on her because I appreciate the free time). I checked the Find My Friend thing (we both had it on knowingly) it was turned off. I know she doesn’t know how to do that. So, I was worrying. I went to check her iPad to get her to find my iPhone thing. The password was changed.

Checked her laptop, it was also changed. So, I’m starting to get suspicious. I went into the room and noticed her Apple Watch. I checked, and it had messages since the last sync, so I checked, and there was a long text conversation dating back a few weeks with an unsaved number. 

That raised a flag, so I read it. Turns out it was her coworker’s single dude, and she was out with him, and he left his address. So I drove there, got to the address, and sure as heck, my car was in the parking spot, so I took a pic and sent it to her and told her to come out, but she didn’t.

I thought about going in there and doing stupid things in the “heat of the moment.” I just thought about how I wouldn’t want to be in prison over her. So I just went home, then she called and tried to deny it.

I tried to see it her way, but every way I looked at it, she was the complete witch in this story.


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