People Share Their “Accidently Caught My Partner” Cheating Horror Stories

59. Dating Grandma

Pexels, Andrea Piacquadio

He told me he was helping his grandma, who he lived with, retile her bathroom because she’d fallen ill and was stressed about her bathroom not being finished that day.

Sure man, no problem. I was at work anyway, or I would have helped.

My mom took my brothers out to a restaurant an hour later and walked in to see my then-boyfriend sucking face and acting quite inappropriately with a girl I worked with who claimed she hated him for a ton of reasons.

He told my mom she was his sick grandma. She agreed that she was…she was 22 in a halter top and jeans and honestly wasn’t bad looking tbh. My mom called em out on their crap, then called me.

I finished work, went to my apartment, gathered his belongings, bagged em up, and politely dropped them off to his grandma, who had no idea what happened. I laughed and said my man went on a date without me.

My ex and I are both men, so the woman in the equation threw me for a loop. But ya know, things happens sometimes. I’m only mad that he lied and that she knew we were dating the entire time. She actually told me she “had fun being the other person” because it meant she didn’t have to commit to anyone.


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