People Share Their “Accidently Caught My Partner” Cheating Horror Stories

60. Everyone Knows Except Me

Pexels, Lachlan Ross

This will probably get buried, but I have one.

My ex was overseas on tour and missed his sister’s wedding, which I went to as a bridesmaid, even reading a message from him to try and ease the sting of him not being there. 

I had just gotten home and got a phone call from his mom that his grandmother had passed away. His mom had tried to call to give him the news and had been unable to get ahold of him, needing to leave a message. 

At the end of the phone call, she said, “Oh, by the way, did you know that he is in Rome on his leave?” He was supposed to let me know when he got leave so I could meet him in Europe. 

Instead, he skipped out on his sister’s wedding so he could go to Rome and on a cruise with a co-worker that he was sleeping with. Needless to say, he was an ex very shortly after that.


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