People Share Their “Accidently Caught My Partner” Cheating Horror Stories

62. Unexpected Worst Surprise

Pexels, Eugenia Remark

I was visiting a good friend of mine to help her out for a few days since she had just had a baby. I came home, saw my husband’s car was there, went in, and called out a couple of times, “Hey babe, I’m home! Hello?” – no answer, but all the lights were on, dishes on the table, etc. Weird.

I started down the hallway towards our bedroom, getting increasingly worried something may have happened to him, when he came bursting out of our room completely naked and went, “Heyyy!” as if everything was totally normal.

I smiled for one split second, thinking he had jumped out of the shower just to greet me, or maybe he was just being goofy with this “sexy surprise.” I was about to say something like, “Oh, did you miss me that much?” when I saw her through the bedroom door behind him, naked and flushed, in our bed, holding the blanket up to cover herself. 

She was a (much younger) coworker of his that I was friends with also.

I remember hearing my own heartbeat for a few seconds while I stood there, just blinking, frozen. Then, I walked back down the hallway to see what my husband had to say and ask him the obvious questions.

He was clearly very drunk, but that wasn’t out of the ordinary for him most weekends. After initially slurring something like, “I thought you’d be cool with it.” – WTF? – he changed tactics and had the nerve to stand naked in our kitchen and tell me, “Oh, you think I slept with her?! No, no. I didn’t make out with her. No.” 

(In case you have any doubt: Yes, yes he did.) After that, I was pretty much speechless and felt like I really needed to be anywhere else, so I left for a while. The night didn’t get any better when I came back.

Sad: I wasn’t even early. He just got drunk and forgot what day I was coming back. Sadder: I ended up giving her a ride home. Saddest: I stayed. Kept trying to work it out for two more years.

Take it from a sucker: cheaters don’t change.


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