People Share Their “Accidently Caught My Partner” Cheating Horror Stories

63. Introduced To The Wrong Guy

Pexels, Jimmy Jimmy

I lived with my girlfriend during our last year of university. We had an apartment. We only had one side table next to our bed, and we had two chargers to charge our phones. So the suspicion obviously started when she didn’t charge her phone at night anymore and kept it on her side of the bed. 

Then she started getting agitated when we were supposed to get to a mutual friend’s house, but we weren’t getting there fast enough. A friend of mine that I had introduced her, too. 

Then his name just keeps popping up on her phone. When I question her, I’m told, “We’re planning your birthday. Don’t ruin it.”Then, one day, she was not home, and I went out on the balcony and I saw his house from there. 

Her car was parked there. 

I called and asked where she was. I was told she was on campus and might just stay at her office on campus for the night.

She moved out very shortly after. I kept the dog we had just gotten. Still have the dog today. She’s the only good thing to have come out of that relationship.


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