People Share Their “Accidently Caught My Partner” Cheating Horror Stories

69. One Car Away

Pexels, Andrea Piacquadio

Not me, my mum.

My dad worked overseas in the oil industry when we were young. Standard stuff; 6 weeks on, 2 weeks off. Been doing the gig for years.

Anyway, while he was supposed to be overseas, my mum was driving down the motorway one day, overtook a car, and looked in. It was my Dad and another woman, looking like any normal couple. 

She freaks out, puts her foot down, and drives home.

These were pre-mobile days, so there was no way of contacting him, as he was clearly not in the office. He’s due back in a few days, so she waits and has it out with him when he comes home. 

World War 3. He bolts. 

Cheers Dad.


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