People Share Their “Accidently Caught My Partner” Cheating Horror Stories

71. Unwell and Hurt

Pexels, Gustavo Fring

I had woken up that morning to her receiving a random text message from a girl she worked with. But there were no other texts, but the message seemed like it was part of a conversation. It wasn’t a particularly suspect message, just that there were no past messages to contextualize it.

My girlfriend acted equally confused.

I was feeling ill and wanted to stay home from my class that morning, and she was VERY insistent that I didn’t, which I thought was odd.

On the way there, I was stuck on the highway with no way to pull over quickly enough, and I threw up all over myself in the car. I finally pulled over and cleaned up a bit, but I was absolutely HYSTERICAL, and I was like, I’m coming home. 

I obviously couldn’t make it to my class, and she was like, “Okay, well, I’m the next town over getting brunch with the girl from the text message earlier.”

I came home and showered, and before I even put clothes on, I looked at her call/text records. She had been messaging this girl all night long. I confronted her, and she basically admitted that they had been getting closer. I think she admitted that they had kissed, and that was it.

I was so physically ill and couldn’t really get out of bed. But I had to be at work at 4:30 the next morning, so I just slept all day, but I was home from work the next day before she woke up, and she was awaken by me packing my things up and moving home.


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