People Share Their “Accidently Caught My Partner” Cheating Horror Stories

73. Back To Back Betrayal

Pexels, Andrea Piacquadio

I pulled up yahoo on our shared desktop computer and had an email from his best friend. I read it and realized that it was an email from a friend to my husband… giving him advice about the girl he fell in love with that wasn’t me.

It was his boss’ wife. His boss was also his only bandmate. His only friend.

He was making out with his wife in their house while his boss passed out drunk after band practice.

She played them against each other and made out like a bandit with guy #3 she was stringing along.

Last I heard, Guy 4 got full custody of a kid they had.

Meanwhile, I remarry an awesome dude and have a baby boy who is softly snoring right now while we watch Hulu in our jammies.


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