People Share Their “Accidently Caught My Partner” Cheating Horror Stories

7. Family Trip Went Wrong

Pexels, Gela delrose

I was at Disney with our kids on day 2 of a 7-day family trip her father had been, by that point, talking up for about 7 years. He and her mother told us when the kids were born, they were going to take us all to Disney when they turned 7.

And seven years later, it finally happened. 

At that point, we’d been together for over a decade. Had a great job, a house, a bunch of kids, and the full-on, 100%, honest-to-goodness American Dream. Life was grand.. until I picked up her phone to set the alarm on night 2 of our family vacation of a lifetime. 

There were so many texts. So many. I remember actually wanting to hurt her and having to leave the room. I immediately called the number and heard some freaking strange dude answer with a sleepy, “…Hello darling… I’m glad to hear from you..”

I wanted to die. The sense of unreality that I experienced… It was immediately numbing. It’s like I’d just switched to the dark timeline. All I could think was, “…from this point on, everything that I have known about my life is going to change.”.


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