Was It Big Foot?

I was working the overnight shift from Friday night into Saturday morning at a gas station. At about 6:00 am, a semi pulls into the fuel aisle. The driver gets out and almost runs into the store, clearly shaken. His face is completely white and he is obviously upset. My first thought was the poor man had hit someone on the road, since we get a lot of people walking across a four-lane highway in front of the store.
So I ask what’s wrong. He looks at me for a second and is like, “I’m not crazy”. Now I’m thinking “Great, I’m here all alone and this guy is losing it”. I say of course not. “I just saw something huge on the side of the road”. “Like a deer or bear? We had a bear get in the dumpster last week”. “No, bigger than a bear on its back legs”.
“Maybe a big person?” “It picked up a deceased buck on the side of the road and carried it over its shoulder into the woods”. I can only stare at him. My brain cannot deal with this information this late in a shift. A local comes up to the counter to get his usual and the guy tells him the story, too. The local says, “Oh, that’s the Big Foot that lives near the county line”.
The truck driver and I are both looking at this guy like he has two heads. He has to be joking. This trucker pays for his fuel at record speed and leaves, never to be seen again. The local still insists it’s Big Foot. I just don’t go in the woods now, because I don’t know.