The Best Examples of People Cheating the System

He Got Two Free Computers From an App


“On my iPhone, there is a particular app that awards “M Points” whenever you do certain things in the app; the first time you open it each day, when you watch one of the news stories, that kind of thing.

Well those M points you could trade in later for tons of things, including Amazon gift cards. 5k M points was a $5 amazon gift card. Watching a 10 minute video was worth (in the beginning) about 300 M points.

The trick was that you could drag the bar to the end of the video and it would still trigger the M points. Basically, you could make about $5 a minute the first day they opened it. My buddy and I stayed up super late that night and made several hundred dollars in amazon gift cards that night, which were just a coupon code you attached to your amazon account.

The next morning they reduced the value from 300 to something like 100 points. Still worth it in that you could make 1/3 of the money which was essentially free.

The final blow was when they reduced the amount to something like 10 points, then it became to much.

In the end, after about a week, we bought 2 high end gaming computers (parts then assembled) from nearly scratch. We already had a tower and power supply for one, but the other was completely built for free, courtesy this app.” Story credit: Reddit / lfernandes

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