The Best Examples of People Cheating the System

A Student Cheated the Whole Class by Lying to the Teacher


“Back in the day in high school we had our “huge” junior term paper to do. Our teacher absolutely required that we have some ridiculous amount of like 100 note cards all with individual quotes on them, citations from the numerous sources we were supposed to have collected and read for this research paper.

Most of us in the class hated this teacher and she hated most of us, I think. None of us were actually making the 100 note card citations and keeping them in little boxes, and then organizing them. It was ridiculous.

So when the note card deadline came up in like February or whatever, almost no one had all the note cards. I got busted in class for not having them and she called my parents and told them to talk with me because she thought I was a druggie burnout who didn’t do anything. Actually I had done like 50 legit cards.

But one kid in class had made zero note cards. The night before he just made up a ton of quotes and fake names and put them on cards and put them in his box.

Teacher thinks he’s a goody-two-shoes, so pulls out his box from the pile in the front of the whole class, flips to a random card, and reads the quote, which is 100% made up the night before. It was something like: “We are the Molemen, we must make it over that hill. We are the greatest warriors to ever live.” – General Mole (1942). We were all like, ‘Oh [no], he is [done for].’

Teacher raises an eyebrow, ‘General Mole,’ Jonathan? And I [kid] you not, without skipping a beat kid replies: “Yeah! You mean to tell me you don’t know who General Mole is? One of the greatest French generals in World War 2?” And she’s like ‘Oh,’ puts the card back in the box, and moves on to the next person to bust.

What a [jerk]. We all hated him for that, cause he didn’t do any of the work we were supposed to. But I still respect him for pulling the wool over that lady’s eyes so easily.” Story credit: Reddit / sointex

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